Virtual Learning Opportunities for Students with a Business and Industry Endorsement

New York Tech’s School of Management’s free high school business bootcamp can help students build their resume and stand out as they apply for colleges and develop resumes for their careers. Through college level courses taught by our expert faculty, your students get critical training to add to their skill set and resume.

After each workshop, students will receive a certificate of completion.

Results for students attending the High School Business Bootcamp:

  • Get critical training to add to their skills and resume.
  • Stand out as they apply for college or pursue careers.
  • Prepare for college and career.
  • Earn a certificate of completion.
  • Experience college level courses.

Virtual Business Bootcamp
Our schedule of virtual courses will be held on the following Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. EST, include:

  • March 19: The ABC’s of Professional Competencies and Workplace Etiquette
  • April 23: The Art of Communicating for Success in an Organization

  • May 21: Leadership and Teambuilding Skillsets for the Businessperson
  • June 18: Professional's Guide to Managing the Ever Colliding Business and Personal Worlds

  • August 20: Personal Marketing Plan Using Social Media and Digital Tools
  • September 17: A Guide to Transitioning From High School to College: The Keys to Success

  • October 22: Financial Literacy: Managing Your Personal Finances
  • November 19: A Guide to Investing in Real Estate or the Stock Market; Strategic Planning
  • December 17: The ABCs of Standing Out in a Job Interview

Click HERE for more info and to register.
