
Your Gift Matters
There are many ways to support St. Anthony Catholic High School. Every gift, no matter the size, ensures that students have the benefit of an excellent academic foundation along with opportunities for physical, social and spiritual development. Below are a few ways in which you may give to St. Anthony's.
Giving Societies
At St. Anthony Catholic High School, we are dedicated to enhancing every aspect of campus life to bring the Yellow Jacket experience and a 21st century education to the next level. Recurring gifts offer St. Anthony Catholic High School supporters a convenient method of contributing because the gift is ongoing after a one-time setup. Your support of this essential mission allows us to stay aligned with our strategic plan including:
- Update academic facilities and technology resources to maintain an evolving technological world
- Sustain scholarships for students to allow an equal opportunity and access to Catholic Education
- Prepare students for academic excellence with innovative technology
1903 Club, The 1903 Club honors individuals who have made the commitment to invest through a recurring gift. Donors who join the 1903 Club arrange for monthly gifts $19.03 or more. A gift through the 1903 Club gives donors interested in smaller gifts an opportunity to give more overtime.
Sting ‘Em Associates, Associates who have made a pledge for an annual gift of $500 are automatically active in a designated community that will build a consistent and continuous source of support for St. Anthony programs. Donors will have premier access to marketing of events and news in the community.
Yellow Jacket Circle, Joining the Yellow Jacket Circle, by a donation of an annual gift of $1,000 or more, you signal your unwavering support of our students and the wider St. Anthony Catholic High School community. Members will also be recognized in all official publications pertaining to traditional events and special society-only keepsakes.
SWARM Council, Your impact on the community goes beyond 3200 McCullough Ave. Making an annual gift of $2,500 or more receives gift impact communications, invited to special donor-recognition, campus-wide marquee events, and recognized in each annual report. Supporting While Advancing the Reimaged vision & Mission, SWARM, allows the rapid advancement of the VISION 2024.
Paduan Society, Members of the society are invited to a private dinner hosted annually by the Board of Trustees for prestige supporters of the St. Anthony Catholic High School community. Those making an annual gift of $5,000 or more will also be recognized for their leadership in each Annual Report.
Get Started
The Advancement Office is available to work with you on your philanthropic goals and can be reached at 210-832-3296 and email [email protected]. Below is a pledge card that you may fill out and select the allocation of your gift.
Pledge Card